Thursday 29 September 2016

Risk averter and Risk taker

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High risk, high return.

Is that a true statement? Let’s see the story below.

Andy and Thomas is twin brothers of a family who life in Jakarta, Indonesia. They are 18 years old and graduated from high school already. Their parents want to support them study in a university. But the university is so far, about one hour from home by motorcycle, or about one and half hour by bus.

The parents give them money IDR 15 million for each. They may use that money wisely. Do you think they will do same things of the money? Absolutely, not. Even they are twin, they have different mind.

Andy and Thomas need motorcycle for study. Andy use the money for buy motorcycle by cash, as price IDR 14,5 million. And Thomas, buy a motorcycle by credit. He need to pay a down payment about IDR 500K and he must pay IDR 700K every month for credit as long as 3 years later, then he can bring a new motorcycle home immediately.

You know guys, now how much they have money after get the motorcycle?

Andy has IDR 500K in his pocket, and he no need think about debt. He feel safe from debts.

And Thomas, u know he has IDR 14.500 K in his pocket but he has debt IDR 700K everymonth for 3 years.  Is it safe for Thomas? Maybe yes, maybe no. Everything is possible.

Then, do you know what happen later?

Thomas rent his motorcycle! He made the motorcycle as business capital. Because he see so many student need to rent the motorcycle. He rent it about IDR 70K/ 24 hours. And he go with Andy when he has class. He count, if in month there are 30 days then Thomas speculate only 20 days his motorcycle rent, he get 70K X 20 days = IDR 1400K. For pay credit IDR 700K then he has 700K on his pocket. That’s good income, right?

Ofcourse, Thomas has any risk of his choices. Motorcycle may need repair, need fuel, and any other problem. He take the risk. He is a risk taker.

And you see how about Andy? He is not brave enough to take risk. He is a risk averter. Maybe he scared to pay motorcycle by credit, he worried to do business with his money, etc. Yes, he is a risk averter.

How about you?

#Diolah dari salah satu materi kelas Manajemen Keuangan Islam


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